Punjab Village Farm


Punjab Village Farm offers its guests a unique experience that brings them closer to nature and connects them to the environment. The farm runs on sustainable and environmentally conscious principles.

  • Low-impact construction – Our main building material is MUD, which is carbon- neutral, most environment-friendly, and most abundantly available building material in the world.
  • Energy saving design & material – Mud provides excellent insulation from outer hot and cold temperatures, keeping the indoor temperature moderate and hence minimizing the requirements of cooling in summers and heating in winters.
  • Lowering carbon footprints by planting trees – Our plantation drives over the years have resulted in 500+ fully grown trees on our farm and the number grows each year with the ongoing plantings. The result is cleaner air, a cooler environment, and richer birdlife
  • Waste management – We minimize the use of plastic and non-biodegradable materials. After segregating the waste, organic kitchen waste and the tree leaves are decomposed to make compost manure. The compost is used as a fertilizer and soil amendment to improve the soil’s structure, fertility, and nutrient-holding capacity of our farm.
  • Natural Farming – At our farm, we follow natural farming principles that mainly rely on the adoption of diversified multi-cropping systems, desicow-based on-farm inputs for nutrient and soil enrichment, and various botanical concoctions for plant protection.
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